Shrubs  ⏵  Shrubs Assorted  ⏵  Evergreen  ⏵  Carmichaelia Odorata
Picture of Carmichaelia Odorata

Attractive medium shrub. The branches of fern like foliage are flattened and slender with pendulous tips. Clusters of fragrant white, veined purple flowers in summer. One of our most beautiful New Zealand native shrubs. Hardy and likes well drained soil. Tolerates dry, windy and cold conditions.

Occurs in lowland to mountain regions of the North Island, along streamsides and around forest margins south of Gisbourne.


Flower Colour: White / Purple
Habit: Arching
Mature Size (HxW): 2m x 1m

Carmichaelia Odorata

Expected Stock Height: 35/45 cm  ? 

Currently sold out. Add to your waitlist to be advised when next in stock.


HL Nurseries Limited t/a Wairere Nursery
826 Gordonton Road, R D 1, Hamilton 3281 Ph: (07) 824 3430 Email: